Tomorrow Ainsworth will play their JV Volleyball game against North Central at 4:00 pm in the Lila McAndrew Gym. There is be NO games played at the Community Center.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
The Junior High Football game tonight with St. Mary's will take place at their practice field. It is located north of the American Legion Baseball field. Bring a lawn chair with you, because there is no seating at the facility.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
The Ainsworth Cross Country Meet tomorrow will be held at 4:00 pm as scheduled.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
ASAP Registration CLOSES Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30 for the fall semester.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
ACS is taking sealed bids for the pole vault mats that were totaled. If you are interested please submit a bid to the district office by noon Wednesday, August 30. The mats will need to be removed by noon Friday, September 1. If you have any questions please contact the school.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
Tonights Football game will be live streamed. Click on the link to watch the game, if you are unable to make it to the game..
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
K-12 Picture Day TOMORROW, Wednesday Aug 22!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
Picture Day
The volleyball game on Thursday, August 24 against North Central will be played at the Rock County High School gym in Bassett. The games will start at 5:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
The Girls Golf Scramble on Tuesday, August 22 will only be a 9-hole competition due to the expected heat. Start time will still be at 9:00 AM.
over 1 year ago, Luke Wroblewski
Congratulations to the Juniors for winning the first Bulldog Battle of the semester, Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
Tic Tac Toe
Please help spread the word! We have a NEW Ainsworth Community Schools-2023 FaceBook Page!!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Bulldogs, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
Welcome Back Alumni!! Have a safe weekend!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Ganser
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Bulldogs! It's everything Bulldogs, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
Everything Bulldogs in your pocket
Welcome to our new website. We also have a new FaceBook page. Search for "Ainsworth Community Schools - 2023" to find the updated page.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
New Facebook Page
Summer School Starts June 5th!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
Last Day of School Thursday May 18, 1:00 dismissal!!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
NO ASAP Today, due to the track meet.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
K-6 Track Meet Today East City Park!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Ganser
Kids Running