Twenty-eight Ainsworth High School students traveled to Chadron on October 9, 2024 to compete in the annual Scholastic Day contest. Students took tests in different subject areas, performed a musical solo, drew a difficult still life scene or wrote an essay during the competition. The Ainsworth students took a total of 49 tests throughout the morning. Emma Kennedy earned a second place medal in General Anatomy and Physiology and Kiley Orton earned a third place medal in Nutrition and Family Health. Students placing in the top 25% of their test and also earning points for the school were Emma Kennedy – 4th in physical science, Mason Painter – 4th in Nebraska history, Hannah Beel – 7th in Business Management and Decision Making, Londyn Dunbar – 8th in animal science, Megan Jones – 8th in General Anatomy and Physiology, Mason Painter – 10th in American history and Sam Titus – 14th in Algebra 2. Ainsworth placed 9th of 12 schools in division 3.
Ainsworth Students Compete in Chadron Scholastics
October 15, 2024