
On Wednesday, October 4th, the Ecology class accompanied the sixth graders on a field trip to Long Pine State Park. The objectives for the Ecology outreach project were to plan, prepare, teach and/or lead activities, and model appropriate behavior and environmental stewardship for the younger students. The Ecology students led a simulation game that taught about population change and its effects on resources. This year Ecology students were joined by Wendy Murphy from the Niobrara Council, Blaire Speck from University of Nebraska Extension, Bobbie Roshone from the National Park Service, and Amanda Hefner from The Nature Conservancy. These stations included lessons on archery, animal signs, water resources, and fossils. During the event, Ecology students practiced some important skills of working together, adapting activities to environmental conditions and the audience. Sixth graders were able to interact with local professionals and learn about ecology from area experts.